Sunday, May 4, 2014

what this girl knows at 4 1/2 years old


Where do I start?  Because she knows so much.  She's growing up too fast.  I could sit here and list all the things she knows like I've done before.  How she tells stories and jokes and makes up songs and dances.  And how she's at day camp this summer and everyday she comes home with a new chant.  A new dance.  A new story.  A new friend.  I could talk about the art she makes and the letters she writes and the books from the library we read.  I could tell you how she now loves the water and will swim by herself (with her life jacket on, I know it's not like she's really swimming, but when you watch your little girl all by herself in the pool, you can't help but think that time is slipping away).....And time is slipping away.  That's life.  So enjoy it.  Before it's all gone. And now I think about writing this blog as the girls get older.  And what these girls will know then.  Because it already feels like 1 of them knows too much.  And I can't stop her from growing up.  And before I know it, she'll be interested in boys and she'll be going to high school and looking at colleges and eventually leaving us.  But for now, she's still my little girl.  Who wakes up way too early.  Maybe that's something I could look forward to.  Sleep.  And retirement.


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